Monday, April 30, 2012

Looking towards the sun!

SOOOOO after a busy, busy weekend i stopped by to tell you that:


I'm a huge fan of sharing pictures, it's a bit addictive hihi sooo i'll be sharing as must as i can!

I hope your weekend was as good as mine, I went to the book fair and to the WPP. 
Indie festival will be there for me next week, the same goes for my gym. I've been lazyyy :P

Have a great week you all!

Portantooooo depois de um fim-de-semana preenchido passei por cá para vos dizer que:


Sou mega fã da partilha de fotos, é um bocadinho viciante hihi portanto vou partilhar tanto quanto conseguir!
Espero que o vosso fim-de-semana tenha sido tão bom como o meu, cheguei a ir à feira do livro e ao World Press Photo.
O Indie vai lá estar para mim na próxima semana, o mesmo se aplica ao ginásio. Ando muito preguiçosa :P

Tenham uma óptima semana!

Book Fair/A bit of the grass that lives in the garden near my house/My Street with the late sunlight of sunday ;)
Feira do livro/Um pouco da relva que vive no jardim perto da minha casa/A minha rua com o solinho   já atrasado de Domingo ;)


1 comment:

  1. Oh gosh, thank you soooo much! I went to your blog and really liked it a lot! I notice that you were in Portugal recently. Did you enjoyed it?
    Let's hope yes!



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